Book presentation 2020 - London
On 12th February 50 like minded people, ambassadors as Heather Mills and Dhiraj Mukherjee, speakers as Cindy Gallop or Sunnie Groeneveld, journalists and opinion leaders gathered at Groucho Club in Soho, London, to discuss the most pressing questions of tomorrow and how to tackle them.
Fast Forward Files Vol.2: Changing Perspective - an exhilarating journey into tomorrow featuring 8 pioneering essays:
- Cindy Gallop, What Does Your Brand Stand for? The Future of Social Responsibility
- Lucie Greene, The Death of Bean Bags: How Big Tech’s Status as the Ultimate Employer Brand Turned Bad
- Heimo Hammer, The New Communications – A Shift in Perspectives
- Igor Beuker, Mad Men vs. Math Men – Advertising May Win Quarters, Innovation Wins Decades
- Carla Johnson, How to Build an Innovation Dream Team (from Scratch)
- Sunnie J. Groeneveld, Digital Leadership – Rethinking the Link between Leadership, Organisational Culture and Technology
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Matz, Opening the Black Box: The Future of Psychological Targeting
- Prof. Dr. Shafi Ahmed, Democratising Surgical Education